Headache is one of the most common symptoms reported by patients and is one of the most common reasons a child is referred to a pediatric neurologist. Nearly 60% of children report having had headaches and this increased to 90% by the time they reach age 18 years. Some children even experience chronic headaches in which they have headaches more than 15 days per month.
Migraine disease is the most common cause of recurrent headaches in children. If migraine disease runs in the child’s family, then it may be more likely that the child will also experience migraine attacks. Stressors in children such as bullying, anxiety, or depression can also make headaches worse. However, headache symptoms can be different in each child.
The Manning Family Children’s Headache Clinic offers highly specialized and comprehensive management for children and adolescents experiencing headache disorders including migraine, chronic migraine, and tension-type headaches. Pediatric neurologists work with children and adolescents to identify the cause of their chronic headaches and migraines and develop effective management of the symptoms. Most patients with normal physical examinations who are experiencing typical headaches do not usually require brain imaging such as CT scan or MRI. However, additional diagnostic testing and neuroimaging may be recommended at the initial visit. In addition, all providers offer a monthly multidisciplinary headache clinic with a pediatric psychology provider.
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If a patient is experiencing recurrent headache that is unresponsive to standard medical treatment, a referral to the Manning Family Children’s Headache Clinic is appropriate.
If the patient has a new onset severe headache unresponsive to standard treatment or is experiencing a sudden onset or rapid progression of a focal neurological deficit such as weakness in a limb, speech, vision, or hearing problems, loss of coordination or loss of fine motor skills, an evaluation in the emergency department is recommended.
The Headache Clinic is held at the main campus at Manning Family Children’s, in Metairie at the Ridgelake Center, and on the Northshore in Covington. A referral from a primary care provider or another specialist is recommended for the Headache Clinic, but it is not required.
Parents/ caregivers may contact the Scheduling Department at 504.896.2888 to schedule an appointment.
Primary care providers and referring providers may send a referral including the patient demographic information, recent clinic notes, and any recent diagnostic testing to the Scheduling Department at the numbers below.