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New Onset Seizure Clinic

New Onset Seizure Clinic at Manning Family Children's

The Manning Family Children’s New Onset Seizure Clinic is a specialized clinic established to provide rapid evaluation and treatment of pediatric patients who have experienced a possible first-time seizure. The child’s clinic visit may include a scheduled electroencephalogram (EEG) and an evaluation with a pediatric epileptologist who is a pediatric neurologist with specialized training in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of epilepsy.

The following are appropriate patients for referral to the New Onset Seizure Clinic:

  • Children ages 4 months through 17 years
  • Children evaluated in an emergency department after presenting with a suspected first-time seizure, but who are stable for discharge home with a plan for outpatient evaluation
  • Children with new onset of seizures and not previously been evaluated by a neurologists

Refer a patient

The New Onset Seizure Clinic is held at the main campus at Manning Family Children’s weekly. A referral from an emergency room provider, primary care provider, or another specialist is required for the New Onset Seizure Clinic.

Referring providers should send the referral including the patient demographic information, any recent clinical notes, laboratory studies, genetics studies, and/or imaging results to the numbers below.

Phone: 504.896.2888
Fax: 504.896.2889

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